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Randy’s Blog: Fitness Is More Than Just Physical Benefits

Thanks to everyone who came out to our fall open house event.  What a great day it was and I look forward to seeing you again at our winter Open House on January 10th. It will be a great way to celebrate and start the new year, more details will be posted soon.

Last month I wrote about the importance of consistency in your training and the benefits that come with it. Our initial reason for following a fitness routine is usually to gain some sort of physical benefit. However, with consistency in your training routine you’ll begin to realize that there is more to it than just the physical benefits of improved cardio, muscular strength, muscular endurance, mobility and a better physical disposition. You’ll notice that you are less stressed, less anxious, and have clearer thoughts – leading to being more organized and productive in other areas of your life. You feel better about yourself, happy and positive. Fitness is more than just the physical – it’s also about your mental and emotional well-being.

A lifetime of fitness has shown me the tremendous benefits that come from training. As much as I value the physical aspects, I value more the mental and emotional benefits of training consistently. Sometimes I feel mentally stressed and emotionally drained from a hard day at work, but once I follow through with my training session I am much more positive, energized and happy. The day and world just seems that much better after a training session.

Being consistent with a training plan and fitness routine will always get you to an improved level of physical capacity. There is no question that you will achieve the physical goals you aim for with a dedicated and prescribed program – but as you progress towards these physical milestones, recognize the value of the improved mental and emotional fitness you have gained. While it is harder to measure, the true value of training consistently is the improved state of your mental and emotional fitness.

Think about the last time you exercised. How did you feel before? How did your mood and outlook improve afterward? At Focus Personal Fitness, we have an incredible staff of personal trainers who are dedicated to helping you improve your overall health and well-being. Our group training classes are also a great way to boost your mood, too, and you’ll benefit from the positive energy of the group.  Finally, for those inevitable “rough days,” we also offer massage therapy services provided by the registered massage therapist at Health In Focus, right in the fitness studio.


Only the best,