Contact Focus At 613-544-7999

Free Body Circuit

Free Body Circuit training exercises that will include a 5-7 minute warm up and warm down plus 20 minutes of free body exercises that will challenge your cardio and strength endurance. Sessions will be broken down into key areas: arms, abs and core, full body, legs, hips and glutes. Great way to add variety to your training with no equipment needed.



  1. Ensure the space you are training in is free from any obstacles and is adequate to perform the exercises safely.
  2. Ensure you inspect your equipment and that it is suitable to perform the exercises safely.
  3. If you are starting an exercise program for the first time or after a long absence from physical activity it is advisable to see your doctor to ensure you are fit to exercise.
  4. Always listen to your body and adjust the intensity of the training session accordingly.
  5. Consistency of training is more important and more beneficial than intensity. Adjust your intensity so that you can be more consistent over a 6-month to 12-month period.  
  6. Enjoy and have fun with the training program.
  7. Supplement the home-based training with cardio base work that elevates your heart rate at a low intensity for at least 30 minutes. You should strive for at least 3 days a week of low intensity cardio for 30 minutes.

Episode 1