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Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care promotes health, alleviates pain, and improves your quality of life.

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Brent Helmstaedt, Chiropractor


My professional focus is on helping clients better appreciate the relationship between their body's structure and function. I am committed to helping people achieve the structural components of a wellness-oriented lifestyle by administering evidence based, hands-on, chiropractic care. By fostering proper movement, posture, function, and understanding, everyone can better realize their potential. For each of us there is a particular combination of activities and habits that can keep us healthy and happy for a lifetime. It is my goal to help individuals grow their understanding and appreciation for their own physiology and coach them towards continual improvement, so as to better zero in on the best version of themselves.

Experience & Credentials:

Avaliable Services (Fees do not reflect HST)
Chiropractic Assessment - 45 Minutes $75
Chiropractic Treatment - 30 Minutes $50
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